Help Our Cause

Donate online and save precious lives. Your donation can make a huge difference and help us support many patients suffering from end stage organ failure.

       Public Education:

  1. Printing of Organ Donation Brochures and Posters in Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu and Marathi besides    English is vital to our work in spreading the message of organ donation in India. A sponsorship of these brochures and posters will be greatly appreciated.
    US $ 200 or Rs. 10,000 Donate Now. It would help us to print 5,000 brochures or 1,000 posters on organ donation. The brochures and posters can have your name (or your organisation’s name) printed on it and will read as follows:

    “This brochure has been printed from an educational grant/donation from– “your name/your organisation’s name”.

  2. Large hoardings with the message on Organ Donation in public places or small backlit message boards on airports: A well-designed hoarding carrying the message of organ donation will help disseminate the message of organ donation and help us in increasing the donation rate in the city. You may consider sponsoring one hoarding for three months in a city.US $2000 or Rs. 1,00,000 – Donate Now You may consider sponsoring one hoarding or several hoardings in a city, or several hoardings in multiple cities.

  4. Indian Transplant Newsletter is a quarterly Newsletter that carries an array of interesting stories and events in the field of organ donation from India and abroad. You may consider sponsoring one issue of this newsletter, or as many as your generosity permits.US $500 or Rs.25,000 for each Issue Donate Now or US 2,000 – or Rs.100,000 for a year – Donate Now

  6. MOHAN Foundation’s resource team makes at least two audio-visual presentations on organ donation in a week, to a wide cross-section of the population. Each presentation involves inputs from two or three members of staff and volunteers for half a day along with travel and meal costs. Please help us sponsor such presentations.US $100 or Rs.5000 per month – Donate Now


Hospital Programs:

Transplant Coordinators or Grief Counselors that work round the clock are very passionate about the cause of organ donation and are pivotal to the organ donation program. You may consider supporting one Transplant Coordinator’s salary for a year.

US $ 2,500 or Rs.150,000 per year – Donate Now


Training of Transplant Coordinators:

Transplant Coordinators are social workers that are trained to counsel relatives of “Brain Dead” patients for organ donation and also organize the operating rooms, the time of surgery for retrieving organs and their distribution. A Coordinator is the most resourceful person in any program, and they are required to be trained in a Training Centre. MOHAN Foundation encourages social workers to take up this training at their centers. As the concept is new in India and there are no training centers, MOHAN Foundation has developed a module for India, and offers these modules to interested social workers.

You can sponsor a social worker for a three-month Transplant Coordinators’ Training program, and the costs include stay, food, travel, visits to hospitals and undertaking a project on the subject.

US $ 500 or Rs, 25,000 for One Survey – Donate Now


Survey on Organ Donation:

MOHAN Foundation has embarked upon this project of having young college students conduct surveys on organ donation. Each interested student is entrusted with doing a survey of at least 500 individuals using a standard questionnaire. This survey acts as a medium to spread the “what, where, how, when and why” of organ donation. It is our endeavor to conduct such a survey of at least 100,000 individuals annually. Such surveys have also helped us alter our approach to public education campaigns. Please consider sponsoring the survey.

US $ 500 or Rs, 25,000 for One Survey – Donate Now


Reaching out to more cities and towns in India:

MOHAN Foundation envisages establishing its offices in different parts of India to educate the general public about the noble cause of “Deceased Organ Donation” and also to network with hospitals. Potential organ donors could then be identified and families approached for possible donation. This will take care of organ shortage and help patients suffering from end stage organ failure. Cost includes cost of office space, furniture, computer, and salaries of two transplant coordinators.

US $ 5000 or Rs, 250,000 for one year – Donate Now


MOHAN Foundation Website:

MOHAN Foundation website is a fund of knowledge and is an invaluable resource to doctors and media in the area of organ donation and transplantation. It distributes Organ Donor Cards, Posters, Newsletters, free widgets and multimedia presentations through its website. This site is highly ranked by search engines as it has over 5000 pages of information. Support of highly skilled personnel is solicited.

i) A part-time designer and programmer for the website

US $3000 or Rs.1,50,000 per year – Donate Now